Fall Equinox 2025

September 18-24, 2025

with guest healer, Dr. Paul Wang LaC plus breakfast baskets and seasonally prepared group dinners by our resident chef

What aspects of your life need balance and restoration this fall?

Join us in Mount Shasta, the powerful root chakra of the earth, during Fall Equinox, for a deeply restorative sabbatical week to slow down, reset and come back into balance with your body, mind and spirit with our guest healer, Dr. Paul Wang, Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.

Equinox is a potent time to transition into a new balance with inner connection, outer community, greater cosmos. We gather for spiritual self-care and grounding ceremony as we deepen into presence during this critical seasonal turning point. We seek to shift our mindsets with refined intention. We inquire into our beliefs with open hearts. We dissolve habitual patterns with dynamic embodiment.

Dr. Wang will share his integration of martial, medical, and mystical paths as our collective story of mythic mastery — a process which actualizes our full potential. Through practical principles and meaningful flows, he will orchestrate a series of three 2-hour morning activation sessions throughout the sabbatical week to harmonize our mind, heart, body with soul, spirit, source.

We will explore what it means to be an Earth Warrior in the fall season, represented by the metal element, through personal & collective inquiry around…

  • What matters most to us?

  • What does it feel like to defend and protect what we cherish, starting with ourselves and our bodies as our temple?

  • How do we establish healthy boundaries to expand our inner capacity for staying centered & grounded amidst the chaos and complexity of the outer world?

  • How do we allow the falling, releasing, composting of this seasonal cycle to happen with more grace and surrender… without holding on to what no longer serves us?

Enjoy entering into your center, nurturing your original nature, and unfolding the mystery of majesty that is this life here and now. Join our Fall Equinox Sabbatical week at Hestia to:

  • Ensoul universal principles through meditation, movement, memetic practices;

  • Encounter fellow lovers of solitude, plentitude, gratitude;

  • Enrich your mind, body, heart, spirit with the eternal elements;

  • Enter a reality of greater possibility and creative play;

  • Enact insights into your daily lifeways.

Our Fall Equinox Flow:


  • Be greeted by your Hestia hosts and settle into your sweet home and resting space for the week


  • Join a 10 am experiential guided group walk of the powerful energy spots on the land

  • Clarify your retreat intentions with the Gratitude Blooming oracle deck (included in your gift bag)

  • Use the self-guided journaling tools and connect with the land to support your intentions

  • Book your wellness sessions to help you heal, rejuvenate and harmonize with your body, mind, spirit


  • Enjoy three 90-minute group morning activation sessions from 9:30-11 am with Dr. Paul Wang to deepen into inner and outer balance

  • Practice embodying and living your intentions while you’re here by consciously choosing how you want to spend your time and energy

  • Deepen your connection to the land by meditating on Hestia’s energy spots or explore the areas around Mount Shasta listed on our welcome guide

  • Book add-on guided experiences with our community hosts or with our recommended Shasta tour operators

  • Co-create a fall equinox gratitude altar with the land


  • Deepen your connection to the land by meditating on Hestia’s energy spots or explore the areas around Mount Shasta listed on our welcome guide

  • Attend an optional group fire ceremony to release what no longer serves you and make space for the shifts you want to catalyze in your life when you return home by letting go of what no longer serves you.


  • Visit the spots that you felt a special connection to on the land and give gratitude before you leave!

  • Create a mantra/visual reminder to facilitate a smooth transition back


About Dr. Paul C. Wang, DACM, LAC, founder of The Dao Center in Berkeley:

I am a Memetic Healer and Cultural Acupuncturist who specializes in Clinical Cosmology and Mythic Engineering. I prescribe potent memes to shift physical burnout, emotional constipation, mental diarrhea, spiritual amnesia, and natural deficit. My main tools are Dao Alchemy (Self-Cultivation), Dao Acupuncture (Self-Healing), Dao Astrology (Self-Awareness):

  • Doctorate of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine 

  • Masters of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • Bachelors of Science in Integrative Biology

  • Instructor of Balance Method Acupuncture

  • Transmitter of Daology (Dao De Gong Fa)

  • Sifu of WingChun